The Charity activity named ” The Campaign of warm blanket” for a warmer sleep has been organized by 7Luck Team in District 4.7.8 presenting to the homeless peope on the street.

We are so proud to be a part of society contribution when looking back all activities which we have been spent together aim to sharing the message of love and raising awareness about poor & homeless people.

Then the homeless people will feel better and warmer while using 7Luck blanket – Balnket of love.

Through these meaningful activity, we wanted to remind everyone that, please sharing your love to the society and our life still has full of love, compassion and kindness. Always follow and look at poor people and homeless people and wishing them happier and luckier

The memory of 24th of Lunar New Year Day

Ký sự đêm 24 tết. Đêm ấm áp tình thương

7Luck Team.